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Funding and Grants

The program core funds come from IAVI but we have also received funding from;

  1. EDCTP
  2. The Wellcome Trust
  3. IDRC (International Development Research Corporation).

The program is currently managing two grants with other collaborators in and outside Uganda. A four year EDCTP funded grant with an objective of strengthening of long term clinical and laboratory research capacity, cohort development and collection of epidemiological and social science baseline data in Uganda and Malawi to prepare for future HIV vaccine trials. In addition to the Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Trust project, we are working four other collaborators on this project;

  1. The World Fish Centre in Zambia
  2. The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
  3. IAVI
  4. The Medical Research Council in Uganda.

As part of CAPT Network, this program is also managing a four year grant from the IDRC coordinating 3 sites in Uganda and one in Kenya;

  1. TASO Uganda
  2. Mbarara University of Science and Technology
  3. Institute of Infectious Diseases
  4. The Kenya Aids Control Project � University of Nairobi